💥💥 A natural remedy that will make you sleep well

💥💥 A natural remedy that will make you sleep well

I would like to rewrite and share a natural sleep remedy that is popular on international health pages these days.

(1) Wash a ripe banana that is neither too hard nor too soft, without peeling it, and cut off the base and tip.

(2) Put it in the pot and add water just to cover the bananas.

(3) Add about 1 teaspoon of English cinnamon powder.

(4) Boil for about 10 minutes. And let it cool.

(5) Before going to bed, drink a glass of banana juice. You can also eat bananas if you want.
The calcium contained in the banana peel, Magnesium is a pain reliever. Cramps It can get rid of yawning, and bark powder strengthens the heart, so it can calm the mind and sleep well.


♦️♦️If your nerves are weak and your body is heavy, take 5 tablets 3 times a day with juice after meals.
If you drink it once, mix 1 tablespoon of the juice with warm water and take 5 pills

💥💥 A natural remedy that will make you sleep well

I would like to rewrite and share a natural sleep remedy that is popular on international health pages these days.

(1) Wash a ripe banana that is neither too hard nor too soft, without peeling it, and cut off the base and tip.

(2) Put it in the pot and add water just to cover the bananas.

(3) Add about 1 teaspoon of English cinnamon powder.

(4) Boil for about 10 minutes. And let it cool.

(5) Before going to bed, drink a glass of banana juice. You can also eat bananas if you want.
The calcium contained in the banana peel, Magnesium is a pain reliever. Cramps It can get rid of yawning, and bark powder strengthens the heart, so it can calm the mind and sleep well.


♦️♦️If your nerves are weak and your body is heavy, take 5 tablets 3 times a day with juice after meals.
If you drink it once, mix 1 tablespoon of the juice with warm water and take 5 pills