For those who can’t sleep at night, take natural sleeping pills or pumpkin seeds.

For those who can’t sleep at night, take natural sleeping pills or pumpkin seeds.
A natural sleeping pill or eating pumpkin seeds.. Eating pumpkin seeds helps a lot in health. I like it myself, so I eat it soon. Pumpkin seeds are edible kernels.

It has a dense concentration of nutrients, so it should be eaten often.

It mainly has vitamins, minerals Contains antioxidants and amino acids. The amino acids contained in pumpkin seeds are Tryptophan and Glutamate.

When tryptophan enters the body, it is converted into serotonin and niacin and serves as If you eat 60 mg of tryptophan, you get 1 mg of niacin. They need good brain and nerves. Pumpkin seeds are often referred to as nature’s sleeping pill because they help you sleep regularly at night.

If the patients who come to the doctor’s clinic are unable to sleep at night, if they regularly eat pumpkin seeds after eating in the evening, they gradually start to fall asleep. People who are taking sleeping pills can be tried and changed. There is no overdose and no side effects, and it is better to supplement nutrients.

Dr. Khin Maung Lwin