10 surprising facts about the human heart

10 surprising facts about the human heart

Let’s talk about the heart. The heart is an amazing machine. We don’t always think about him, but he is the one who works tirelessly to keep us alive. While the month of February is full of things about the heart, let’s explore the amazing facts about the real heart.


1. In a dying person, the heart pumps about 1 million barrels of blood.

2. Every day, your heart produces enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles. For a lifetime, it can provide enough energy to drive that truck to the moon and back.


3. Women’s hearts beat an average of 8 beats per minute faster than men’s.

4. The heartbeat comes from the clapping of the heart valves.


5. Your heart is the size of your two palms together. If it’s a child, it’s the size of a fist.

6. If there is enough oxygen, the heart can continue to beat even outside your body. This ability to jump is because the heart has its own electrical impulses.


7. The only place in your body where blood from the heart does not reach is the cornea. All other organs (75 trillion cells) depend on blood from the heart.

8. A healthy heart beats an average of 100,000 times a day and transports 20,000 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of arteries.

9. Heart disease is the biggest risk to your health. It is even scarier than breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.

10. exercise regularly; healthy eating; Reducing stress and getting enough vitamin D are simple things you can do every day to keep your heart healthy.
