Scientific study of the signs of light found during meditation

*Scientific study of the signs of light found during meditation*
The human brain is only 2% of the body weight.
But the energy consumption of the brain uses 20% of the whole body.

We are greedy all the time. anger They think with ignorance. If you eat, your brain is thinking.
I’m thinking of taking a shower. Working even while sleeping.
time of meditation When the mind calms down, Noise in the brain (greed, anger, ignorance) decreases.

The brain has more energy. The increased energy is emitted as light.
Since this light is a low frequency wave, it cannot be seen by the normal eye.
I can see it with the eyes of the mind.

(The human eye can only see light with a wavelength between 380 and 740nm)
It has been scientifically found that the brain emits low frequency waves such as gamma, beta, alpha, theta, and delta.

When the meditating people are tested scientifically
Research has found that 4-8 Hz Theta Brainwaves are produced.
The human brain

When moving normally, it emits beta waves with a frequency of 14-30Hz.
When you are calm, it emits Alpha Waves with a frequency of 9-13Hz.
When meditating peacefully, theta waves with a frequency of 4-8Hz are emitted.
Dr. Min Tin Mon also noted that the light sign could be a low frequency wave.

At Maung Daung Mung Zin and Pha Oak meditation camps, you can sit first to receive the sign of light.
Greed anger The minds of our children, who are covered in ignorance, are disturbed. It’s like water looking back.
Can’t see well.
The act of exhalation is like calming turbulent water.
The act of love is like making stagnant water clear.
Exhale Because of loving actions, the mind is calm (like calm water). If you are convinced, you can

see through.
I can see what happened to the body.

In Kalamatuch, the Buddha himself said that if it is beneficial, it can be accepted.
May all of you receive the blessings of God.
