How to bathe your head and knees in the morning (article)

How to bathe your head and knees in the morning (article)
When the author was young, he took the ninth grade exam and wore it during the summer school holidays in March. It is in the school of the thirty city.

The author

‘s hometown is Ukkan, but his father’s grandmother’s neighborhood
Joining in his collective novitiate, the second robe
It was worshiped.

Thu Pahang Monastery is a very spacious monastery, and successive monks have been long-lived monks.

More than 100,000 of his 90 years passed away.

The author lived in the school of Sachcha monk Baddanta Thuzata in that monastery. That monk is still alive today, so he is about 90 years old, more than 80. Bishop
I would like to report on the longevity and health of

Abbot Baddanta Thujata not only lectures literature, but also gives advice on how to walk and live healthily according to the Buddhist tradition whenever he has free time. During the period known by the author, the monk did not appear to be ill.

Although he is always wearing a scarf, he is not seen wearing glasses.

One of the things the author remembers is ‘Morning (morning) head,’ written in chalk on the wall near the monk’s post. Night knee’ is the caption.

What is morning (morning) head?

What is night knee?
I didn’t know for a long time.

On a hot sunny day, Korin
Be careful when bathing in this hot season
It is said. They are forbidden to swim in the lake near the school in the evening. Bathing should be done only in a covered brick basin connected to a water pipe inside the school.

The monk advises that it is best to break the water early in the morning in hot summer. Those who go out for alms at dawn, do not pay the alms table as soon as they return to school. Water
must break quickly. After that, he said that he must go to the food school.

At the place of bathing, you should first pour water on the lower part of the knee and gradually pour water upwards. The young Korin who did not wash their heads with water sat on their haunches, and the monk himself poured water on their heads enthusiastically.

If you take a shower early in the morning and leave your head on, the vapor heat will stay on your head for a day
The whole head is not clear, not open to understanding study Reading is bad. It is said that eye sight will be affected due to head diving.

the end of the eye In accordance with the text of hearing loss, to prevent theft in the eyes. It is important to avoid clouding. It is said that if you take care from childhood, your eyesight will not fade until you are old.

Knees at night means that when you are about to go to bed at night, you should pour water over your knees and wash your feet.

When washing, two cups, Not just pouring three cups. Seven cups of strength Pour up to ten cups and from the middle of the waist
It should be poured until the mist seems to go down. Those who do it regularly every day will not suffer from scurvy. Rheumatoid arthritis back pain It is said that diseases of the eyes and head that are not clear can be cured.

The author’s lineage is a lineage of poor eyesight. The author’s father started wearing glasses when he was 13 years old. The author’s father is at the end of his eyes. Saying that I don’t want to lose my hearing, I want my eyesight to improve
Careful to the author in many ways
was given. Eye in a bowl full of water
He dived his nose and opened his eyes. Forced to knit.

At first, he was overwhelmed and couldn’t do it, but in the future, when he got used to it, he could do it. After waking up in the morning, I had to take a dip in the water bowl every day. After immersing his face in the cold water in the water bowl and opening and closing his eyes for about 10 minutes, he found that it remained warm. The heat from the eye goes into the water.

When the author was in the ninth grade, when he became a novice for the second time, he bathed early in the morning according to the method of the Sachcha monk from Thapahang School. When taking a shower, slowly start from the lower back
He gradually got into the habit of going up and pouring water from his head.

When going to bed at night, summer, Rain In all three winter seasons, wash your feet by pouring cold water from the middle of the thigh above the knee. When watering, pour 7 to 10 cups full of water
washed. Sometimes it’s hot and I don’t wipe the water, but I noticed that the water dries up quickly. When I was young, I noticed that when I woke up in the morning, my eyelids would be closed and my eyelids would be stuck to me.

As a child, his father’s method of diving his eyes; After that, if you bathe early in the morning according to the method of the monk, pour water on your head and bathe. Benefits of washing the feet with water above the knee at bedtime
Because of Zhu, the author had poor eyesight from a young age. He was safe from wearing glasses. At the age of 46, I had to wear reading glasses (+150 degrees). This is also by age
The eye doctor said it was normal.

It is appropriate to pour water on the head when taking a bath early in the morning, but in the afternoon, It is not recommended to water the head at noon and in the evening when the sun is still hot. Heat
shuffling hot dip Sudden blindness may occur.

Very hot