Within a month before a heart attack Signs (8)

Within a month before a heart attack
Signs (8)

Severe chest pain, sudden cardiac arrest, People who have to go to the hospital for emergency treatment have a warning from their body that this is going to happen a month before it happens.

1. Spontaneous stagnation – If the heart is narrowed, the body will feel the legs, hands There is less blood in the blood vessels. For this reason, it is stiffer than usual, I feel like it’s happening.

2. Numbness of the face, jaw and neck – when the heart is narrowed and blood thirsty, in addition to the chest pain, the jaw and face, The neck often becomes stiff.

3. I’ll be tired – going up the stairs spontaneously; Every time I do something, I get tired. When the heart is narrowed, water accumulates in the lungs. It often becomes short of breath.

4. Nausea and vomiting – I don’t feel good, After eating, you may often feel like you want to vomit or feel like you have flatulence in your stomach.

5. Sweating may return – You may experience frequent sweating along with discomfort in your chest.

6. Heart palpitations – feeling suffocated inside and feeling bad. Heart palpitations are a sign of an irregular heart rhythm. heart palpitations Palpitations are normal and can be an early sign of heart disease.

7. feet The extremities will be cold – the heart starts to slow down, so the extremities of the body, The blood flow to the hands and feet is low and the feet are often cold. If the weather is right, your feet and fingers will feel cold.

8. Dizziness – When you feel lightheaded and dizzy while sitting, you should not forget about coronary artery disease. Due to the lack of proper blood flow to the brain, the feeling of dizziness is felt. It can be felt in the narrowing stage before the heart is completely closed.

Look at the following symptoms and see if he has coronary artery disease. Is the heart blood vessel blocked? You can check yourself for signs of heart disease.

If you are suffering from at least three or four, you should not neglect it and consult a doctor.

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♦♦ Nervous and weak legs
If you don’t want to carry it and feel heavy
Take 5 tablets 3 times a day with juice after meals
If you drink it once, mix 1 tablespoon of the juice with warm water and take 5 pills