4 (4) benefits that can be achieved by just doing this position for 20 minutes
The benefits of doing leg exercises for 20 minutes a day Many of the regular exercises require a lot of physical effort and make you sweat and fatigue.
(1) Leg swelling. The swelling will subside
This exercise improves the blood circulation of the legs, so it can be used to treat kidney disease. Being overweight Leg swelling caused by wrong eating habits. It has reduced the swelling and slimmed the legs. It also relieves the pain caused by wearing heels.
(2) The digestive system will improve
It improves the blood circulation of the internal organs, thus improving the digestive system. Because it removes the accumulated belly fat, the fat will fall and the waist will be slimmer
(3) mood swings will decrease
Since we have already done breathing exercises while doing leg lifts, more oxygen reaches the brain and refreshes the mind. Reduces neck and abdominal muscle tension
(4) I will sleep soundly
By improving blood circulation, the body’s metabolic processes are normalized and sleep time is correct.
Raise your legs straight up against the wall (90 degrees) and place your hands comfortably on the floor. Do this for 15 to 20 minutes.
⛔⛔ It should be noted that you must not wear clothes that disturb blood circulation. People with leg injuries should not do it